AbsolutAire’s R Series is the centerpiece of their extensive line of direct-fired gas systems. A multitude of model choices and optional features makes the R Series “the best available technology, pure and simple.” With capacities of up to 17,000 MBH and 150,000 CFM, two styles of cabinet construction, and either vertical or horizontal configuration, the R Series offers flexibility in efficiency and installation. An exclusive two-year parts warranty and 90-day labor warranty guarantees AbsolutAire’s dedication to excellence.
With both the lower cost R300 model and the more robust R400 model, the R Series is available as a 100% fresh air unit in the stout R400 model and the less expensive R300. Three different return air models are described below:
- M Option – These make up air units are capable of modulating 20 and 100% outside air and 80 to 0% return air.
- B Option – These make up air units are two position OA/RA units that can be either in 100% OA mode or in a 20% OA / 80% RA mode.
- F Option – These make up air units are designed for full time air rotation. A two position damper is used on the outside air inlet only. The RA opening is fixed and is not equipped with a damper.